Experienced leader with more than 26 years’ experience in urgent ‘out of hospital’ healthcare; pass...More
Dr Rooney, our organisational Medical Director, was born in London and trained in Manchester qualify...More
Tim has a wealth of healthcare transformation, contracting, planning and assurance experience, with ...More
Jonathan Ritchie is our CIO/Director of Digital Innovation. Jonathan has considerable experience in ...More
Suzanne Curtis Our Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals has worked at Mastercall for ...More
Dr Walkley was born in North Yorkshire and educated in Chester and Johannesburg. He graduated in Med...More
Dr Colin G Kelman, Non-Executive Director was born in Scotland and medically trained at the Universi...More
John Sullivan is a Non Executive Director , Chair of the Remuneration Committee &Mastercall Vice...More
Alexandra Hatchman is a highly experienced CEO and Senior Executive Director, having had broad exper...More
Mark Wilkinson is passionate about public service and is an established NED having held a number of ...More