Below is an overview of the full range of services Mastercall deliver.

Technology Enhanced Living
This award winning digital clinical monitoring service was available for people who could benefit from a period of remote monitoring, supported by a highly skilled clinical team and a digital platform. The service operated between Dec 2019 to October 2022 & demonstrated significant positive physical & psychological health improvements. This innovative ground breaking service supported a number of clinical pathways, underpinned by individual clinical management plans.

Hospital at Home
The Hospital at Home (H@H) service provided an alternative to hospital admission for patients who were acutely unwell and also supported early hospital discharge by providing elements of acute care within the patient’s home environment.The service was available to individuals aged 18 years and above who resided in the Stockport locality and are registered with a Stockport GP.
The service operated from Dec 2019 to October 2022.

Alternative to Transfer
Alternative To Transfer
Experienced GPs and ACPs receive referrals from NWAS crews on scene to discuss urgent clinical assessments of patients whom may not require hospital admission.
Alternative To Transfer Plus
Residential, care and nursing home staff can speak to experienced GPs and ACPs to discuss their residents and patients’ urgent healthcare needs.

Clinical Assessment Service
The Clinical Assessment Service (CAS) involves patients receiving a clinical triage/telephone post non-clinical call handling/algorithmic outcome via NHS111/ 111 online or 999. Dispositions include:
Low acuity ambulance (cat 3 and 4)
Advised to attend ED outcomes/ETC outcomes.
Same day Urgent face to face outcomes
Some same day primary care dispositions.
These cases are digitally transferred to a clinical assessor in the alliance (Bardoc, GTD and Mastercall) for an enhanced clinical assessment.

GP Out of Hours
The service is available 1830-0800 hours Monday to Friday and 24/7 Saturday/Sunday & Bank Holidays. The service is accessed via 111/111 online. NHS111 will ask you a series of questions using their Pathways algorithm. Once the questions have been answered they will then sign post you to the most appropriate service to meet your medical needs. If you are referred to the Out of Hours Service, we will receive your information electronically in a secure electronic referral and initially ‘hear and treat’ your complaint (and follow up ourselves with a physical or virtual ‘see and treat’ or an appropriate onward referral)

Urgent Dental Helpline
The CWWM Dental Helpline offers urgent dental care for patients in Cheshire, Wirral, Warrington and Merseyside.
The service can be accessed via the Dental Helpline on 0161 476 9651 from 8am to 10pm every day, including weekends and Bank Holidays.
Local dental providers offer NHS Urgent Dental Clinics in the area, with urgent appointments for patients who need urgent treatment, advice and support on dental queries or referral to other services.

Community IV
Community IV service provides IV antibiotics in the community (either clinics or homebased treatment)
We provide IV antibiotics to people aged 18 years and above who are registered with a GP in Stockport.
We have a core team of expert clinical and nursing staff who have the skills and knowledge to safely manage all types of antimicrobial therapy in the community. Treatments are delivered in a clinic setting or home visit. The core aim of the service is ‘hospital admission avoidance’ and early supported discharge

Trafford Patient Assessment
Remote assessment of patients who otherwise would have gone to accident and emergency. Based within the urgent Treatment Centre.
People are encouraged to ring 111 if they need urgent clinical attention, or 999 if they require emergency care. The outcomes of these remote assessments are not always what the patient needs. TPAS gives clinicians the opportunity to better assess and guide the patient to the correct care. TPAS calls come from a higher acuity than standard OOH calls being made up of ex 999 calls and 111 calls that would have been streamed to an A&E. After assessment we deflect approximately 70% of calls away from the emergency departments.

The Wellspring
The Wellspring is a registered charity based in Stockport offering a range of services to over 100 homeless & disadvantaged people 365 days/yr. Support is provided either in a group or a 1:1 setting. Service users are encouraged & assisted to move out of homelessness and seek employment.
As a social enterprise fully committed to improving the lives of the most vulnerable members of our community, Mastercall hosts health care services 5 days a week, offering face to face drop in clinics, remote consultations and outreach, provided by a GP/ ANP. The Wellspring has a fully-equipped surgery space

Stepping Hill UTC
The Urgent treatment centre (UTC) is co-located within the Emergency dept. It is GP-led, staffed 13 hours a day/7 days a week including all bank holidays.
In addition to a GP, an ACP/ AP will provide a see and treat service for 12 hours per day.
The service streams clinically appropriate patients from the ED front door via the ED Navigator for assessment in the UTC.
The service provides a community DVT pathway being able to provide bloods, anti-coagulation and arrange subsequent doppler scanning usually within 24-48hrs

Trafford General UTC
Trafford Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) is a community facility that will provide appointment-based access to urgent care provision to the local population in Trafford.
The UTC is a non-emergency care centre which specialises in seeing and treating patients, (adults and paediatrics) with minor injuries and illness. People are encouraged to ring 111 if they need urgent clinical attention, or 999 if they require emergency care. The TPAS or OOH service can then book them into Trafford UTC for an arrival time. We do not turn away walk in patients however those with an appointment or those of the highest clinical need will be seen before walk in patients.

Wythenshawe UTC
Mastercall deliver a minor illness ‘see and treat’ service at Wythenshawe.
In line with the national 111 First campaign patients are encouraged to call 111 first where possible to access Trafford Urgent Treatment Centre.
Following a 111 Pathways Assessment you will be:– Given Self Care Advice
– Booked slot with your own GP through GP Connect
– Booked at appointment at the Urgent Treatment Centre
– Advised to visit community pharmacy
– Referred to out of hours service
– Advised to attend ED

Winter & Covid Short Term Service
These services include primary care extended access support via Acute visiting services, extended access primary care face to face treatment centre appointments and testing clinics.

ST GP /Medical Student
Mastercall deliver training of junior doctors through out of hours and wider urgent care services delivery. |

GM UEC Adastra
This service is the Greater Manchester Urgent Primary Care Alliance (GMUPCA) direct booking and single EPR platform. This has been rolled out to every hospital emergency department in Manchester which means that cases can be sent from 999, 111 or 111 online into the clinical Assessment service (CAS) that Mastercall run as part of GMUPCA to be assessed. Click the button below to view the video which provides an overview of GMUPCA and the Clinical Assessment Service provided and how the GM UEC Adastra integrates with this. |