By remaining at the forefront of innovation we can ensure that our patients and populations receive the very best that healthcare has to offer in the remit of Urgent Primary Care.

By integrating pathways, systems and virtually alliancing companies we can generate economies and efficiencies to deliver cost effective best practice.

Safety, Dignity and Integrity are at the heart of our ‘Outstanding’ rating for ‘caring’ from the CQC. Whether that’s a clinician helping you out to your car or a kind word from our reception team at a time of need.
You are part of our community and we care about you. Our committed team often go that one step further to help support our patients and their colleagues.

To make sure that people using the service are treated with respect and dignity at all times while they are receiving care and treatment.

We want to ensure that patients inform their own care and are fully versed in what their care directives mean to them. We want them to feel empowered by their care.

In a metric’s driven NHS with a reduced budget its so important to us that you feel valued. We consider this to be so key in the delivery of effective care that we added it as a core value in 2022.
We believe you should feel our kind approach to the delivery of your care. That you should feel considered, cared for, seen, understood and valued.