The Assessment and Management of Minor Illness in Primary Care 30 Credits Level 7 CPD Course.
Validated and in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University
Mastercall runs the Assessment and Management of Minor Illness in Primary Care 30 Credits Level 7 CPD Course, validated and in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University.
What is the course?
This course provides the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in relation to clinical consultations, history taking, physical examination and clinical decision-making diagnosis for patients presenting with undifferentiated and undiagnosed minor illness problems.
Who is it suitable for?
This course is suitable for all registered health professionals working in unscheduled care settings such as Emergency Departments, Pharmacies, Urgent Care Centres, Primary Care or other community and first contact settings.
Course length
1 academic year
Course Structure
The theoretical component is delivered each Tuesday evening at Mastercall Healthcare, International House Pepper Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, SK7 5BW by highly experienced Advanced Clinical Practitioners.
• 80 hours of supervised clinical practice within Mastercall services (GP Out of Hours and Urgent Care Centre)
• Dedicated mentorship, clinical portfolio of competence (clinical competencies to complete) and reflection
• Access to LJMU library, CANVAS learning platform and student support services
• 3000 case based critical analysis assignment, formative peer review clinical assessment
Entry Requirements
Current registration as a healthcare professional and demonstrate the ability to study at Level 7.
You must currently work in a healthcare setting.
To apply or for further information, please email:
Programme Lead, Jenny Collins – Nurse Consultant – [email protected] or
Katie Kay – Programme Administrator – [email protected]
To download the full details please click here