2024 Prospectus
Want to know more about Mastercall and the services we provide? Take a look at our online prospectus

A message from our CEO
Our purpose is to deliver an extensive range of exceptional healthcare services to meet the needs of our population.
We are committed to encouraging a culture of collaboration that will inspire our workforce to be innovative, dynamic and embrace the use of disruptive and digital technology to improve patient care and health outcomes, relieving pressures on the NHS and social care.
Our range of services will be supported by an appropriately trained and skilled multi-disciplinary workforce who will be experts in their field of practice. As a social enterprise organisation, we will continually invest our surpluses/reserves to ensure our staff receive appropriate training and personal professional development and provide a great environment for them to work.
We will scale our services to meet local, regional and national requirements. Where appropriate we will partner with and/or form alliances with other organisations to ensure ‘at scale services’ are fully optimised ensuring patient safety and quality of care is maintained.
We will continue to be leaders in the identification and use of digital technology to maximise economies and efficiencies of scale with a special emphasis on empowering patients to take responsibility for managing their own health and wellbeing and live their ‘best life’. We will monetise our expertise in developing evolving new technologies into effective patient services.
One of our biggest challenges is workforce and we will develop a workforce strategy to help us manage this challenge. As a result of workforce challenges, we should focus on what we are good at and look to expand our current range of services.
We will be open to considering new opportunities that present themselves to us and which align with our values, mission and ethos and that we are confident we can deliver safely and effectively.
Michaela Buck / C.E.O
All About Us
Mastercall Healthcare is an award winning social enterprise organisation providing NHS services accredited by the Social Enterprise Mark.
With over 28 years’ experience as an innovative, highly performing, award-winning Social Enterprise organisation, we are passionate about providing the very best patient care at the very best place for the patient.
This has been recognised and acknowledged by the CQC who following their inspection in March 2017, rated Mastercall as ‘OUTSTANDING’ for Caring and overall Good, followed by a review in January 2023 with no changes to ratings awarded.
Our Social Value ethos commits us to ensuring the very best use of the public purse, maximising the return on investment of our Commissioners and supporting the NHS deliver affordable, effective, safe patient centred services.
As a social enterprise organisation we re-invest any surplus to:
• Further improve the services we deliver
• Provide training and promote personal development opportunities to our dedicated workforce
• Ensure our premises, facilities and medical/diagnostic equipment are modern, well maintained and fit for purpose
• Invest in innovative technology to improve performance, productivity and ensure we are at the ‘cutting edge’ of digitally supported healthcare services, enhancing patient experience and outcomes
Our Values

Innovative Approach to Healthcare
Technology Enhanced Living Service
This service operated between Dec 2019 to Oct 2022.
About the service
Dedicated clinicians within our Digital Hub responded to and managed complex long-term conditions, COVID / Long COVID, early and acute exacerbations of chronic ill health in the community rather than in an acute or outpatient setting.
Our award winning Technology Enhanced Living service used cutting edge digital technology (Dignio) to monitor patients’ vital signs using blue-tooth technology.
This saved millions of pounds in A&E avoidance.
Sit back and take 5 minutes to watch the video opposite to see the effect it had on empowering our patients. (Video copyright Dignio).
CQC Rating
In our last Care Quality Commission inspection, Mastercall were delighted to achieve ‘Outstanding’ for caring, with an overall score of ‘Good.’
This rating is all thanks to every single one of our employees who go above and beyond to ensure we deliver an exceptional service to our patients.
Click here to view the full Mastercall CCQ report